Chainsys First round interview questions. ==================== 1)Self intro 2)create two tables and merge it. 3)GTT purpose, is GTT stores data..? 4)'group by' purpose?? Where it is used. 5)set operators types 6) diff btwn grpby / partion by 7)GTT types, what are the uses of that types, how it works? 8)view, types, write query of both 9)index types, what is function based index. 10) how does view and materialize view diff... 11)what is the main purpose of synonyms?in a company 12)how u use sql loader 13)create a trigger 14) what is cursor and types, write query on anyone 15)what are trigger events, when we do use those?? 16)bulk collect define 17)procedure parameters What is the diff btwn in/out paramater 18)what is refcursor, what is the diff between cursor and refcursor 19)diff btwn functions and procedures(min 3 differences) 20)what is package, what happen if we don't declare in specs and declared in body??